Leandro Brassoloto - Atos Jiu-Jitsu & Kaya Holistic | București

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Leandro Brassoloto

Leandro Brassoloto photo Leandro Brassoloto
  • Black Belt - 3rd degree

Leandro Brassoloto - Jiu Jitsu professional

Third Dan Black Belt, graduated by the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Confederation, and by the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation.

Professor at Atos Rio Claro – LBJJ
I was graduated in all belts by Mestre Ramom Lemos, as a teacher I started teaching at Blue belt and at Black I took over the training of the well-known “Caldeirão” by Atos in Rio Claro -SP
International experience being invited to teach classes and seminars in several countries. (China, Japan, Belgium, Spain, Ecuador and Romania.)

As a Jiu Jitsu Athlete, podium in the main Brazilian Jiu Jitsu events, in national soil and in several countries (China, Netherlands, Germany, Portugal and Argentina)

World Jiu Jitsu Champion (CBJJE)
Third Place in the Jiu Jitsu World Championship (IBJJF)
3 x World Jiu Jitsu Silver Medal
3 x World Jiu Jitsu Bronze Medal
Third Place in JJ European Championship (IBJJF)
Two-time South American Jiu Jitsu Champion
Pan American Jiu Jitsu Champion
Vice Pan American Jiu Jitsu Champion
Two-time International Jiu Jitsu Champion
SP Open International Jiu Jitsu Champion
Vice Champion SP Open international (IBJJF)
Dutch Champion
Argentine Vice Champion
NAGA Tournament Champion – GERMANY
Vice Champion Word Pro China
Five times Brazilian Champion
3 x bronze in Brazilian
São Paulo State Champion
Bronze in the American South (2021)
Brazilian Champion (2021)

As an Olympic Wrestling Athlete:

  • Brazilian Olympic Wrestling Champion – Greco Romana
  • Third Place in Brazilian Olympic Wrestling – Free style

As a Judo Athlete:

  • Graduated to Brown Belt in Judo.
  • Judo Regional Champion (Eighth Region)
  • 2x Bronze in Judo regional
  • Real Union Cup Champion
  • Champion of the Sesi Olympics.
    Vice Champion of the Sesi Olympics.