Atos Competition Team - Atos Jiu-Jitsu & Kaya Holistic | București

Atos Competition Team

We are part of Atos Jiu-Jitsu, one of the biggest Competition Teams in the World! With several IBJJF and ADCC titles, our team is guided by Professor Andre Galvao (15 times World Champion). 

Our tailor made trainings are here to meet the needs of each competitor, no matter their size, age, gender and style! 

A competition means a lot of mental and emotional pressure and we feel it's important for each student to try it, at least once; to feel the power of Jiu-Jitsu, the energy of the crowd, the help and love of their professors and teammates. 

We are willing to compete in any Jiu-Jitsu and Grappling competition, with any rule set. We are here to innovate, create, share and evolve, with a lot of passion; we do it the gentle way, because a warrior is the most powerful when he is aware and relaxed and when his body moves on the mat as the water flows on a stream. 

We are here to make history and to become a family...a family of tatami warriors :)